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Depending how warm the start of the year is, in march we can see the first flowers of the year in the Alps and in the valleys. Among the earliest bloomers are snowdrops and soon after the first snowdrops used the first holes of the blanket of snow we can see Spring Snowflake. For our calendar sheet march we chose a meadow filled with spring snowflakes. In German the spring snowflakes are sometimes called march cup or march bell and therefore we think it is the best flower to show on a march calendarsheet. Even if the nature around us is still a little too grey and brown, by looking at the spring snowflage we can see that there is gorgeous green and it shows us how beautiful white can be – when finally the snow is gone.
On the first of March the meteoroloical year begins, thats why we want to show something springlike. The actual start of spring ist celebrated on March 21st this year.
2011 Carnecal takes place later than what is usual, the "Carneval's Tuesday", "Mardi Gras" or Shrove's Day takes place on March 8th (which is as well the international Women's Day), Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent is on March 9th. Fourty days later, already in April, we will celebrate Easter.
The beginning of spring does not only mean that nature will start to grow, blossom and bloom, it means as well that spring fashion is available. In our MiaDeRoca Store we offer some colourful spring and summer fashion starting with shirts, some dresses and matching accessories will fill our web store starting march.
If you want to enjoy the look of spring snowflakes, than download for free our calendar sheet march.
On a single sheet you can see the whole month and have some space to fill in important dates.
Here you can download and print out the: March calendar sheet (pdf)
09.03.2011. 20:42