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It is time to say thank you – Thanks to all for your trust and shopping with us and coming back to shop with us again and again. Thanks to all our regular customer. Thnak you for recommending us to your friends. Thanks for the nice and sweet mails and the photos of self baked cookies made with MiaDeRoca cutters and the self knitted and felted bags made with MiaDeRoca patterns. Thanks for the links from blogs and discussion groups. Thanks for mentioning us and showing our products in magazines and papers. Thanks for the likes on facebook and Google+, for pining on pinterest and recommendations on twitter. For nearly five years we get so much in return and that is why we all want to Thank you very much for your support.
As we don't want to leave the thank you as a symbolic one, we made a little thank you as free printable thanks gift tag. Just open the file, print it our, cut them out and add these little tags to small presents, a bunch of flower, home made jam or any other small gift of gratitude.
The little thanks notes are in pastel colours and ideal to add to a little something or as an additional tag for home made jam, as well as pesto and chutney from your kitchen.
Thanks Cards to print outFree Printable Thanks Cards
We like to decorate presents and gifts for friends and relatives with tags and notes. To be honest we are no artists when it comes to gift wrapping, but we like to wrap gifts with love and affection.
We like to get crafty every once in a while, but sometimes there ain't enough time for crafting when we have to wrap a gift. To be able to wrap and decorate parcels they way we like it, even if there is little time, we try to make gift tags, notes and little cards ahead of time. Besides several different designs of gift wrapping paper we store jars with cards, crochet flowers, paper flowers made of muffin cases (paper flower how to), crochet presents, crochet stars, hama bead hearts and for Christmas some crochet stockings, crochet snow men and wooly crochet candles (all from the ebook gift tag pattern "Christl").
Why we store our little craft projects in jars? By storing them in this way we keep them safe and dust free and it is a very decorative way of storing pretty things. And sometimes these jars - filled to the rim with colourful pretty things - are allowed to stay on the shelves and not in the cupboard.
Our thanks note are in yellow, green, blue, pink and light violet, they match colourful gift wrapping papers, as well as fancy black and white paper and brown packing paper.
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Jennifer Rizzo
12.07.2013. 22:43