MiaDeRoca Alpine Lifestyle Magazine | Aus diesen Ländern? Klicken Sie hier für die deutschsprachige Version des Magazins.
Indian Summer and Golden Autumn - The time is approaching to have great tea in the evening and you can breath in the delicious smell of apples roasting in the oven.
During the day, the weather is sometimes extremely nice, mild temperatures and amazing visibility – the perfect time for mountaineering. After a long walk uphill a hearty meal like Kasnockn in one of the chalets is more than welcome.
Thanks to some rainy and wet days during summer, the season for funghi and mushrooms started very early and our funghi recipe of roast chanterelles is amongst our most popular recipes for weeks.
Continue reading Comments (0) 30.08.2012. 18:50
Out calendar photo for May 2012 is a wonderful bright blue sky, a blue sky over the Mirabell garden in Salzburg. For all who ever travelled to Salzburg know that we are on top of the rose hill and have a look over Mönchsberg to Untersberg, looking to Bavaria. Yes, where the blue has its deepest shade of blue we are no longer in Austria, but loook at Germany.
Mirabell garden is a place where you can stroll and gaze all day long. A garden with many different corners, arranged flowers and a big fountain in the centre.
Continue reading Comments (0) 01.05.2012. 11:04
April 2012, this month is all about Easter this year – the great spring celebration. Sometimes we get snow around Easter in the Alps – but still Easter is a holiday to celebrate as much as possible outside. The perfect Easter Day is when the big Easter egg hunt can take place outside. If we are really lucky even the Easter Sunday afternoon coffee can be enjoyed al fresco. For the Easter time pastel colours and strong colours, especially greens is what we long for, we like them to be accompanied by yellow, orange, light blue and pink.
Continue reading Comments (0) 15.03.2012. 18:30
2012 started with lots of snow and coldness in the Alps, end of January and the beginning of February it really turned very cold and in many areas lots of snow came down again. Real winter indeed. Our picture for the calendar sheet March is from the archives of last year – as the best thing about March cannot be seen below an evening sky, we chose a photo from the afternoon: green meadows and blue sky, finally the colours came back and we don't have to glance at colourful beanies, striped tea mugs and brightly coloured ski suits for some colour therapy.
Continue reading Comments (0) 12.02.2012. 20:26
February is a short month and the shortest month of the year, in 2012 February will be a bit longer due to 2012 begin a leap year and February getting 29 days instead of 28. There is one more aspect that makes this February a little longer and more intensive: more than half of this Feburary is located right in the so-called 5th season: carnival – or how it is called in German Karneval or Fasching. What means lots of parties (in Austria they are called Gschnas) and balls – great costumes, colourful decorations, adorable party gowns and beautiful dancing dresses – February is going to be colourful, despite its white and grey weather.
Continue reading Comments (0) 31.01.2012. 18:54
Continue reading Comments (0) 06.11.2011. 15:21
Continue reading Comments (0) 15.09.2011. 19:45
On the 1st of September meteorologically we have the start of autumn / fall – the changing of seasons. We love the ripening of the fruits, sun which does not burn that hot anymore, cooler days to drink tea and burn some logs and the yellow, orange and red leaves on the trees and the start of Alweibersommer.
Continue reading Comments (0) 07.09.2011. 19:03
We love water, be it in the form of lakes, ponds, rivers or waterfalls - of course we do love the sea as well, but its hardly to find any more in the Alpine area. Any more - because in former time there used to be plenty around, that is why you can get salt from the mountain. When talking about salt. Let us talk about Salzburg (what can be translated as salt castle). And Salzburg owes its wealth to salt. The richness nowadays in Salzburg derives from: untouched nature, great landscape, amazing mountain views, great buildings and in winter all this covered in glittering snow. This is a great place to spend holidays and a great place to live.
Continue reading Comments (0) 10.08.2011. 14:50
July in Austria – for children and teenagers that means summer holidays. School break in Austria means 9 weeks of long vacations. In the eastern part of Austria it will start on July 2nd and in the western provinces, among them Salzburg, summer vacations will start on July 9th. Vacations will end in September, in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland this will September 3rd, youngsters in the rest of Austria will end on September 10th.
Continue reading Comments (0) 26.06.2011. 01:14
June 2011 is a month where one catholic holiday comes after the next. For Austria this means, plenty of days off work and off school. For visitors to Austria this means, keep in minding that shops will be closed due to holidays. So much free time will be used by many to take care of the plants and flowers in the garden and on the balcony and it is the time to pick berries: expecially strawberries, but as well red currant, and raspberries - usually black currant, black berries, blue berries and brambles take a little longer to ripen.
Continue reading Comments (0) 26.06.2011. 01:02
In Austria and Germany Mother's Day is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in May. Mother's Day is on a date that is constantly changing. 2011 it is the 8th of May, 2012 Mother's Day will be on the 13th of May.
There is another big celebration in May in Austria and Bavaria - the 1st of May. The 1st of May is Labour Day in continental Europe. Especially in the rural areas this is the time to put up the maypole.
Continue reading Comments (0) 16.04.2011. 09:13
April behaves the way it wants, is a saying we have here in Salzburg, Austria. It refers to the weather, because in April you can have everything what the seasons have on offer: it can be really hot an warm, you can have big white flakes covering the earth and have days of extensive snow, it can be foggy and rather dark and it can be just spring.
Continue reading Comments (0) 13.03.2011. 18:23
Depending how warm the start of the year is, in march we can see the first flowers of the year in the Alps and in the valleys. Among the earliest bloomers are snowdrops and soon after the first snowdrops used the first holes of the blanket of snow we can see Spring Snowflake. For our calendar sheet march we chose a meadow filled with spring snowflakes. In German the spring snowflakes are sometimes called march cup or march bell and therefore we think it is the best flower to show on a march calendarsheet. Even if the nature around us is still a little too grey and brown, by looking at the spring snowflage we can see that there is gorgeous green and it shows us how beautiful white can be – when finally the snow is gone.
Continue reading Comments (0) 09.03.2011. 20:42
At MiaDeRoca we love February, in parts that has some very personal reasons, but we love February for being so marvelously different.
February is gorgeously compact with 28 days – all together 4 weeks, and the March afterwards can be very easily planned. Because, if February the first is a Tuesday, March first will be Tuesday as well – ain't that handy. That every now and then February grows to have 29 days, fits very well to this individual month within the dozen of months that form a year.
Continue reading Comments (0) 19.01.2011. 11:19
"Baby it's cold outside" this tune of a winter song comes to mind when thinking of January in the Alps.
On one of those rare days where the winter sun was greeting us we took a photo of one of the most photographed buildings in Salzburg - the fortress of Salzburg "Hohen Salzburg".
And those who have visited MiaDeRoca before will have recognized the image, you can see it on the top left of this very website - it is the image we use for our MiaDeRoca post cards, yet 6 months later in the year. The trees have long ago lost all their leaves, the white castle looks as cold as a rock can be in winter and the hill it stands on is merely shock frosted. Winter in Austria. But we love the light blue of the sky, greeting us early in the morning (8 am it was), maybe the winter sun will climb a little higher, but probably the cold fog will eat the whole city up again.
Continue reading Comments (0) 02.01.2011. 20:26
We at MiaDeRoca love Christmas and we think it (hardly) can't start early enough. Okay, in August we don't fancy gingerbread very much and sometimes we think it is a pity, that in our area we don't celebrate Halloween or Thanks Giving. Because as soon as summer is ending all the Christmas stuff is entering shop windows and shop shelves. Privately and concerning our on-line store we like to be prepared early for the Christmas season and so it starts in October that blinking and glittering things are entering the living room, the number of candles increase, and joint crochet, knitting and crafting sessions are more frequent.
Christmas at MiaDeRoca starts before December first and this year the first advent Sunday starts November 28th.
Continue reading Comments (0) 01.12.2010. 18:57
The best thing about autumn - trees that are green and nice throughout the year, suddenly burst into colour. I love this time of year where the hills are alive with the colours of autumn ;-) Everyday has new shades, there is so much change everyday, the air is fresh and crisp, the sky is amazingly blue - until one day it is all covered by a thick white blanket.
To celebrate this special time of year, I made something special.
Continue reading Comments (0) 03.10.2010. 15:49
The calendar sheet for October is all about Alpine festivities, harvest festivals and fairgrounds. The best known and biggest annual fair of al is the so called "Oktoberfest", the October party in Munich. As you can see in our calendar sheets, only a small bit of the whole event takes place in October, the Oktoberfest already starts mid of September. But enough subtlety, there are plenty of possibilities to find some heart-shaped ginger bread in October. These "Lebkuchenherzen" were supposed to be bought by a young chap to give it to a young lady, with messages like "Be mine" - "You are the best" and of course sweet nick names like "Darling" - "Spatzl" or even "Little Witch". Nowadays one can give these hearts as a give to the one you like, your wonderful daughter, to your father or even to yourself.
Continue reading Comments (0) 04.09.2010. 14:47
We love monthly calendar sheets with photos and pictures full of atmosphere for every month another one. Starting September 2010 we will offer such calendar sheets for all MiaDeRoca fans.
The month of September is the time when autumn starts to make its appearance. The fresh green meadow are filled with dry grasses, the leaves on the trees start to change colour. September is the time for harvest, that is a busy time, but looking at the crops and ripe fruits one knows where all the work load is going to and it is more then worth it.
Continue reading Comments (1) 21.08.2010. 13:39