Festivities & Holidays
Women in Dirndl, traditional costumes, Trachten
We love to celebrate, to commemorate, to solemnise, to party, be together with loved ones and have a good time. Do you know that the world "gemütlich" can be hardly translated into other languages, we think that "Gemütlichkeit" is not only typical for Austria, but for the whole Alpine region. In this category we talk about festivities, festivals, public and religious holidays. Exceptional events, you can of course visit yourself or transfer to your family traditions. We will show you table decorations, ideas for your party decoration and which food to serve.
Dancing The Night Away
In the alpine region people don't miss out on dance events during carnival. In some places the "danving season" starts in November, but usually right after Christmas, with the starting january the dancing fever is dawning. Be it "Ball" (a usually traditional, nobel dance) or a "Gschnas" (party-event for dancing and drinking usually incostume) - with fine dresses, Dirndl, Lederhosen, more modern or in carnival costumes.
There are uncountable occasions for balls - in some schools traditionally the graduation class (Maturaklasse) organizes a ball, there are balls from traditional professions like butcher balls, policemen balls or the so called "Zuckerbäckerball" (sugar baker ball, where sugar baker refers to confectioners).
The carnival season is usually full of opportunity to dance and ruin your high heels (and plister your feet). Balls take place in large gymnastic halls, in small illustrious rounds and in large luxurious rooms.
World famous is the "
Wiener Opernball", the Viennese Opera Ball. It is held on the last Thursday of the carnival instead (Weiberfastnacht). In its current form it has been existing since 1935, with a short break from 1939-45. Its history goes back to the celebrations of the Congress of Vienna. The Opera Ball in Vienna's State Opera is not only amazing concerning its tradition, the numbers are impressive too. 180 cuples, the ladies called Debütantinnen with crowns in their hair and the young meng are Kavaliere, open up the ball. A total of 12,000 visitors are in the opera in the evening. Noblesse, champagne, caviar, fine jewels - the Viennese elegance is also an export product, and so there are already in many other cities from New York via Dubai to Kuala Lumpur typical viennese opera balls.
Who loves traditional dances, will like the "
Edelweißkränzchen" in Salzburg. The Edelweißkränzchen exists for more than 125 years. It is organized by the Edelweiß club a mountain climber association, which was founded in 1881. While at the Opera Ball there is tailcoat coercion and for the ladies evening gowns are required, the Edelweiss clu asks for traditional costume, Trachten, Dirndl or Lederhosen.
Style yourself for the dances with amazing jewellery from our Alpine Designer Store:
Silver Extravagant Bracelet "Aloisia" with Opals and Garnets
Art Nouveau Necklace "Iris" with Opals, Garnet and Pearl
Flower Silver Ring "Dolores" with Opals
Silver Brooch "Bumblebee" with Garnets
04.02.2008. 16:36